If you are going to travel by your own car to Chernivtsi from abroad, you will need some important information. Distance from Chernivtsi to the nearest border crossing points:

·       "Porubne-Siret" 40 km (Romania)

·       Dyakivtsi-Rakovets 41 km (Romania)

·       Krasnoilsk-Vicovu de Sus 44 km (Romania)

·       Mamalyga - Criva 58 km (Moldova)

·       Krakowiec - Korczowa 340 km (Poland)

·       Vylok-Tiszabecs 345 km (Hungary)

·       Uzhhorod - Vysne Nemecke 395 km (Slovakia)


For the most convenient trip to Chernivtsi, you can use the following international highways:

·       International highway E-85: This route can be the best option for traveling to Chernivtsi from various European countries, including Hungary, Slovakia and Poland.

·       International highway E-40 (M-19): This route, known as the M-19 in Ukraine, is another possible route to Chernivtsi and comes from Romania.

Within Ukraine, there are important routes leading to Chernivtsi:

·       M-12: This route is the southern variant of the international highway E-50 and connects Kyiv with Chernivtsi. It passes through cities such as Uman, Vinnytsia, Khmelnytskyi, and Ternopil, crossing central Ukraine.

·       M-19: This route runs through the western part of Ukraine and connects Lviv to Chernivtsi.

These routes and checkpoints provide motorists with the opportunity to choose the best way to travel to Chernivtsi, taking into account their starting points and destinations. Remember to follow the rules of road safety and monitor the latest information about road conditions and events during your trip.

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