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Chernivtsi, Tsentralna Square
Every day at noon, on the tower of the Chernivtsi City Hall, a trumpeter in traditional Hutsul attire plays a snippet of the melodious song "Marichka" in all four directions of the world. This glorious Chernivtsi tradition was initiated in 2004.

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Щосуботи з першими сутінками/Every Saturday at the first light of dawn

1, O. Kobylianska Street
There is a historical tradition of illuminating the city, which has been revived in Chernivtsi. Every Saturday at the first light of dawn from the City Hall, lamplighters come out with ladders in hand and light the fire in the street lanterns, thus signaling that it's time to turn on the lights on the entire street.

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Every year on the third Thursday of May, Ukrainians celebrate Vyshyvanka Day. In Chernivtsi, the festivities traditionally begin with the "Born in Vyshyvankas" campaign. At the city maternity hospital, the event organizers present embroidered shirts (vyshyvanka) to newborn babies. Consequently, the whole city becomes a stage where the main character is the vyshyvanka, a traditional embroidered Ukrainian shirt.
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On the first weekend of October, Chernivtsi celebrates the City Day. A vibrant celebration unfolds and takes over the squares, streets, and parks of Chernivtsi. Various festivals, interesting events, sports competitions, and mass games, quizzes, contests, concerts, workshops, and exhibitions are held, along with a celebration of blacksmiths and a Viking town. Every resident or visitor of Chernivtsi will be able to find entertainment that suits their taste and interests.

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Останній тиждень вересня
Чернівці туристичні гостинно запрошують жителів та гостей міста на тиждень цікавих, яскарвих та пізнавальних заходів. Протягом семи насичених днів на вас чекають презентації нових туристичних маршрутів та атракцій, виставки, фестивалі, концерти, хакатони, гастрофести та безкоштовні екскурсії Чернівцями.