Meet the summer at "Obnova-fest"
Every year at Trinity Chernivtsi invites guests to the youth ethno-spiritual festival "Obnova-fest".
It is a holiday where everyone can find a place for their talent, their vocation and their soul. Traditionally, the crowded action takes place in a luxurious location in the open air - the territory of the Chernivtsi Regional Museum of Folk Architecture and Life.
More than 10 hours of live music await guests. Music producers and experts have long been attracting the attention of the Obnova ethno-spiritual festival. So every band is honored to visit the festival.
In Chernivtsi, Obnova Fest has been traditionally held at Trinity since 2008. Since then, the event has been attended by tens of thousands of people, and the festival has won a place of honor among the most popular ones in Western Ukraine.
Combining Ukrainian folk customs and traditions, spiritual rites with the historical past and modern youth culture, the festival becomes an impetus for the growth of national identity of young people.
In 2021, the festival expanded the locations. The event was held for the first time on the territory of the incredible Residence of the Metropolitans of Bukovyna and Dalmatia.