Today the funds of the Chernivtsi Museum of Local Lore number more than 115 thousand exhibits, which have no analogues. This is an original numismatic collection of more than 3,000 coins, a collection of old prints with a unique Ostrog Bible, printed by Ivan Fedorov in 1581, a collection of cold steel and firearms, archaeological finds in Bukovyna.
The real decoration and pride of the museum is a rich collection of Bukovynian icons of the XVI-XVIII centuries. The museum presents paintings by prominent Bukovynian artists M. Ivasiuk, Y. Pihuliak, E. Maksymovych, A. Kokhanovska.
For history buffs, the exposition "Bukovyna as a part of the Moldavian principality" will be interesting. Weapons and equipment of the Moldavian soldier of the XIV-XVI centuries, a bust with the image of the Moldavian master Alexander the Good, and also the copy of the customs document from October 8, 1408 where the city of Chernivtsi is mentioned for the first time attract attention here. Also interesting is the exhibition dedicated to the period of the Russian-Turkish war. It presents a collection of weapons of that period, military uniforms and paraphernalia (XVIII century).
A fascinating attraction for visitors is always the permanent exhibition "Gentlemen's City of Chernivtsi", which presents a collection of women's and men's costumes of the early twentieth century. But for students it will be useful and interesting to visit the natural department of the museum, which presents the flora and fauna of the region.