Lake Bukovynian Eye
Few people know that there is a lake in Bukovyna, which was formed 300 thousand of years ago, and its depth still remains a mystery. Bukovynske or Mountain Eye is a lake that spilled at a distance of 1 km east of the center of the village of Nyzhniy Yalivets at the foot of Mount Tvorylets, which lies in the massif of Yalovychorsky Mountains at an altitude of 1128 meters above sea level. It is 100 m long and about 70 m wide. The area of the water mirror reaches almost a hectare. It was formed, like the famous Synevyr, due to the shift of clay rocks. Nobody really knows the maximum depth of the lake, because it is impossible to get to the bottom because of the huge flooded trees, which are arranged in a chaotic manner, which prevents scuba divers from sinking to the bottom of the lake. There is an assumption that the lake is 6 meters deep. The water in the Mountain Eye is cold, and even at high temperatures the air does not heat up above 12-14 °. But in winter, due to warm streams (greenhouses), some areas may remain unfrozen. By the way, there is a legend that he who washes from head to toe with the water of the Mountain Eye, will succeed in business and be happy in life.