Khotyn National Nature Park

Valuable natural and historical-cultural complexes of the Dniester district of Chernivtsi region are located on the territory of Khotyn Park. Its total area is 9431.7 hectares, of which 5662 hectares belong to the Dniester river basin. The park includes dozens of objects of the nature reserve fund. In particular, more than 30 caves have been explored, not far from the village of Hryniachka is the highest waterfall in all of Bukovyna (height - 34 m), which originates from a powerful karst spring. A feature of Khotyn is the Dniester Reservoir.

In Khotyn Park you should see:

- small caves in the rocks of the canyon;

- the highest waterfall in all Bukovina "Shumylo";

- Khotyn fortress-movie star, which is perfectly preserved;

- "Dniester Walls" - a guide to the geology of the Paleolithic in nature;

- stone church of the XV century. - the second oldest among those preserved in Ukraine;

- Scythian defensive wall VIII-III centuries. B.C.;

- Petrified Grandmother, Grandfather and Granddaughter - rocks with human names;

- water reservoir of the Dniester reservoir more than 1 km wide and a maximum depth of 54 meters.

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