The museum is located in a small one-story mansion, in the first home of the famous Ukrainian writer Olha Kobylianska. The presented exposition covers the life and work of the writer, her public activities, literary connections.

The museum exposition is located in five halls. In the memorial rooms - study and bedroom - everything is preserved as it was during the life of the writer, you can see the unique furniture of the XIX - early XX centuries such chandeliers, utensils, household items, family antiquities, works of fine art. The courtyard and a small garden near the museum are also memorial.

Visitors can see the first editions of the story "Man", "Princess", unique works of art by Augusta Kokhanovskaya and Stepan Kobyliansky. The museum also presents materials about the writer's friendship and literary ties with Ivan Franko, Lesia Ukrainka, Vasyl Stefanyk and others. The central place is occupied by exhibits related to the story "Earth" - one of the brightest socio-psychological works of world literature. In a separate hall there are exhibits about the publication of her works in Ukrainian and foreign languages, portraits, busts, photographs, screenplays. There is a clock in the memorial office that shows the time when the hostess's heart stopped beating.

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