Covered with the legends "Schiff"

In Chernivtsi there is a ship that has been sailing for more than a hundred years, cutting the waves of two streets. In fact, it is a house that is almost the most shrouded in legends and myths in the city. Due to the architectural unusualness of the building, which resembles a ship, the building always attracts attention. The second name of the building is "Schiff", which came from the German language, was engraved by old-timers from the Austrian period.

"House-ship" is three-story, built on a high plinth. The role of the mast is performed by a tall lantern tower, once decorated with stained glass. The bow is crowned by an extremely exquisite fountain in the form of a lion's head, as well as griffins. Dolphins and algae also remind of the water element. In the Romanian period, by the way, it was the only place where you could drink water for free.

Legends about the "House-ship" are eagerly told to the guests of the city. One of them is about two brothers who were sincerely in love with the sea. The first was a rich merchant, the second was a captain. When the brothers, who never had families, retired, they decided to settle together in an amazing and incredible house, which would remind them of their sea passion. They were looking for a unique place throughout the empire that would resemble the sea. They found this in Chernivtsi. Soon a house-ship grew at the intersection of two streets.

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