Tourism Week in Chernivtsi
In the last week of September, on the occasion of the Day of Tourism, the Department of Development of the City Council holds a "Week of Tourism in Chernivtsi." Seven bright and full days are another opportunity to remind all residents and guests of the city how beautiful Chernivtsi is, what history they preserve and how many unrealized opportunities they have. Those interested are invited to the “Fair of city tours”, where everyone can go on a variety of interesting walks with creative guides. Exciting quests are prepared for adventure lovers, and rich events, hackathons and presentations are prepared for innovators. Tourist routes and attractions are presented to all visitors. The program "Tourism Week" also includes a series of business meetings at a round table and discussion of prospects for tourism development in Chernivtsi, gastronomic festivals, concerts of youth groups, performances by folk groups and open-air film screenings.
Tourism Week is a presentation of our city as a unique tourist destination of Ukraine and Europe. Chernivtsi tourist hospitably invites residents and guests of the city to festive events. It will be interesting and fun!