Recreational areas
Chortoryia, Vyzhnytsya district
Swan Lake in the village of Chortoryia has long been a natural heratage of Bukovyna. Swan Lake is a nature reserve consisting of a cascade of reservoirs. Royal birds liked these ponds because of the warm underground streams.
Recreational areas
Nyzhniy Yalivet village, Vyzhnytsya district
Буковинське або Гірське Око – озеро, що розлилося на відстані 1 км на схід від центру села Нижній Ялівець біля підніжжя гори Творилець. Площа водяного дзеркала сягає майже гектара. До речі, існує легенда про те, що той, хто омиється з ніг до голови водою Гірського Ока, матиме успіх у справах і щастя в житті.
Bukovynske or Mountain Eye is a lake that spilled at a distance of 1 km east of the center of the village of Nyzhniy Yalivets at the foot of Mount Tvorylets. The area of the water mirror reaches almost a hectare. By the way, there is a legend that he who washes from head to toe with the water of the Mountain Eye, will succeed in business and be happy in life.
Museums and galleries
Галерея - кафе «Steinbarg Gallery & Cafe» пн-нд - 10:00-21:00
11, Universytetska Str.
The Steinbarg Gallery & Cafe art space creates contemporary art and supports creative youth, and artists have the opportunity to realize their own ideas.